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How can you go the extra mile for your Airbnb guests? Just like hotels, Airbnbs vary greatly in terms of luxury, comfort and convenience.

But if you want to become an Airbnb Super Host, and work towards booking out your accommodation year-round, there are some simple tips you can follow to make your rental the most sought-out abode in your area.

Under offer and over-deliver

One of the golden rules to creating customer satisfaction is by going beyond the call of duty and delivering more than what was expected.

For your rental, this can mean offering little added extras, which the visitor wasn’t expecting to find.

For example, include complimentary washing powder in the laundry and coffee and tea facilities in the kitchen. Ensure the cooking space is properly equipped and include more than basic appliances. A simple coffee machine can cost a $100 or so, but your guests will thank you for it when they’re sipping on their morning cuppa.

Provide instructions for ease-of-use

Think about what it’s like when you stay with a friend. If you want to stack the dishwasher or set the table, you’d ask them where to find the washing tablets and the dining room placemats.

To make your rental feel like a home for your guests, include product information within a helpful guide or by placing discreet signs around the house. This way, they will feel as though they don’t have to waste time rummaging through cupboards or pressing random buttons on the washing machine trying to figure out how to operate your appliances.

It’ll also save you the frustration of being continuously contacted by guests asking simple questions about how to use equipment and find objects within your rental.

Encourage your guests to live like locals

One of the many reasons guests choose to stay in Airbnbs over hotels is that it allows them to access areas that aren’t as touristy as where the chain hotels can be found. This aspect of ‘living like a local’ is something hosts should embrace and encourage.

If you know the area well, take the time to provide a personalised guidebook your guests can use when they stay in your accommodation. You can email them a PDF version before they arrive, and also provide a printed copy on the coffee table for their perusal.

Include tips such as what to see and do in the area, the best places to eat, where to shop, what parks to visit, where the best nightlife can be found, and hotspots for families and couples.

Add your own images and get creative with the document to make it fun!

Think outside of the box and write from personal experience. As a tourist, stumbling across places the locals visit can give a real insight into where they’re staying and make their trip all the more memorable.

Give away freebies

To go the extra mile, you should always consider what added comfort you can offer your guests throughout their stay. For example, in hotels, free toiletries that are placed in the bathroom. Why shouldn’t your Airbnb provide the same service?

Giving away a complimentary toiletries pack to each guest staying in your accommodation is a thoughtful touch your visitors will appreciate.

Think about including the basics such as shower gel, shampoo and conditioner, or go above and beyond by including a dental kit as well.

And don’t simply consider the bathroom space for freebies. Why not leave a bottle of wine on the table with some fresh flowers for longer-staying guests? Walking into an Airbnb with this kind of bright welcome is bound to leave a smile on your guest’s face.

Don’t be afraid to add some personality to the space

Do you have a favourite artwork to hang on the wall of your accommodation’s living room? Or perhaps a few ornaments to place on the dressing table within the bedroom? Adding these personal touches throughout the home will make the space feel more welcoming and less like a rental that has a high guest turnover.

Don’t be afraid to inject some colour into the space and give it a bit of personalisation – remember there is a reason guests are choosing to stay with you over a hotel, and normally it’s because Airbnb rentals have more individuality than a standard resort.

If there is a holiday coming up – such as Easter or Christmas – don’t be afraid to decorate the living space. Adding a small Christmas tree or some Easter eggs is a thoughtful touch that will enable your guests to get into the holiday spirit.

Keep your guests entertained

If your home is a welcoming space, chances are your guests will be open to spending a lazy afternoon on the couch while they recover from sightseeing. Provide them with some free entertainment to encourage them to have fun while they’re staying in your home.

It doesn’t have to be extravagant – some simple board games or novels on the bookcase will be enough to encourage your guests to take some time out to relax and have some downtime.

Being thoughtful will go a long way

Before your rent out your Airbnb, take the time to think about what you’d appreciate in the home if you were staying there. By looking at your rental from this perspective, you can make sure you consider all the thoughtful touches your guests will appreciate every time they come to stay.